Monday, August 13, 2007

asanas for abdominal muscle toning


The shape of the spinal column is similar to that of a cobra raising its head.
Pre position
Prone Position.
Bring both the hands close near chest and place palms on the ground. Touch the forehead on the ground.
Inhaling first raise the forehead and chin, bend neck as much as possible and start raising the shoulders at ease giving pressure to each Vertibra of the backbone. Raise the chest along with till the hands become straight. Take the neck back, start normal breathing.
Initially you will feel the weight to be on both the hands but with practice it you can shift this to the spinal cord. In the final position keep the hands straight, chest forward. Keep the spine in arch.
4. Releasing
Inhale and exhaling, with the support of the spinal column, start lowering the shoulders slowly with first abdomen touching the floor and then chest, forehead.
Place the chin on floor and hands back to the original position. Attain prone position.
Initially practice it for 5 to 10 second. After practicing it for few days you can increase the repetitions, once you are able to do 5 repetitions easily then reduce repetitions and increase the time up to 1 min.
6. Internal Effects
This asana is concerned with the spinal cord and the muscles of the stomach. Due to the stretching the efficiency of the digestive organs increases. To some extent back problems are reduced as the blood circulation is improved.
7. Precaution
People suffering from Back problems, TB in intestine, ulcer in stomach, hernia , and any cardiac problem should consult Orthopaediacian and or Physician before practicing this asana. Jerks and unbearable strains should be avoided.

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