Saturday, August 25, 2007


Are your friends making you fat? Or keeping you slender?
According to new research from Harvard and the University of California, San Diego, the short answer on both counts is "yes."
The research says that obesity is "socially contagious," spreading from person to person in a social network.The study -- the first to examine this phenomenon -- finds that if one person becomes obese, those closely connected to them have a greater chance of becoming obese themselves. Surprisingly, the greatest effect is seen not among people sharing the same genes or the same household but among friends.If a person you consider a friend becomes obese, the researchers found, your own chances of becoming obese go up 57 percent. Among mutual friends, the effect is even stronger, with chances increasing 171 percent.
Researchers also looked at the influence of siblings, spouses and neighbors. Among siblings, if one becomes obese, the likelihood for the other to become obese increases 40 percent; among spouses, 37 percent. There was no effect among neighbors, unless they were also friends. "It's not that obese or non-obese people simply find other similar people to hang out with," "Rather, there is a direct, causal relationship."
Further analysis also suggested that people's influence on each other's obesity status could not be put down just to similarities in lifestyle and environment, to, for example, people eating the same foods together or engaging in the same physical activities. Not only do siblings and spouses have less influence than friends, but also geography doesn't play a role. The striking impact of friends seems to be independent of whether or not the friends live in the same region.
In part because the study also identifies a larger effect among people of the same sex, the researchers believe that people affect not only each other's behaviors but also, more subtly, norms."What appears to be happening is that a person becoming obese most likely causes a change of norms about what counts as an appropriate body size. People come to think that it is okay to be bigger since those around them are bigger, and this sensibility spreads,"."This is about people's ideas about their bodies and their health.Consciously or unconsciously, people look to others when they are deciding how much to eat, how much to exercise and how much weight is too much.""Social effects, are much stronger than people before realized.
There's been an intensive effort to find genes that are responsible for obesity and physical processes that are responsible for obesity and you really should spend time looking at the social side of life as well,".The policy implications of the study, the researchers say, are profound. The social-network effects extend three degrees of separation -- to your friends' friends' friends -- so any public-health intervention aimed at reducing obesity should consider this in its cost-benefit analysis.When we help one person lose weight, we're not just helping one person, we're helping many.And that needs to be taken into account by policy analysts and also by politicians who are trying to decide what the best measures are for making society healthier.
It's important to remember that not only obesity is contagious but that thinness is contagious to.

Friday, August 24, 2007

RATING FATS: FROM BEST (green light) TO WORST (red light)

Nutritionally rich get richer, and the nutritionally poor get poorer.

Chips that Clog
Potato chips are one of the most heart-unfriendly foods. Most are high in fake fats, which gives them an enticing flavor. To keep one chip ahead of chip- savvy consumers, some potato chip manufacturers are beginning to add the fakest of fats - the indigestible ones. This marketing ploy may take our plump little fat lovers from the nutritional frying pan into the fire.
airline snack foods
some crackers
french fries
pot pies
deep-fried burgers
fried chicken
fried potatoes
corn chips
spoonable dressing
potato chips
some peanut butters
candy bars
fast-food shakes
nondairy creamer
some cereals

Avoiding hydrogenated fats. Consumers can improve the quality of the food they buy. The principle of supply and demand suggests that if you demand less hydrogenated fat and more truthful labeling, food packagers will produce it. Here's what you can do:
Look for newer labels, such as on some margarines, that proudly say "saturated-fat free" or "contains no trans fatty acids."
Shun foods that contain the word "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" in the ingredients list. Terms like "vegetable oil" or "cholesterol free" tell you nothing about the amount of trans fat in the food.
Avoid deep-fried foods, especially those at fast-food restaurants. If you must indulge, come right out and ask if the fries are immersed in oils containing hydrogenated or trans fats. Don't settle for claims that the food is cooked in "100 percent vegetable oil." That label lie camouflages a lot of hydrogenated fat. Can you imagine if people across the country walked into McDonald's and asked the manager if the oil in the fryer was truly polyunsaturated or if it was really hydrogenated vegetable fat? Imagine how the marketing departments of fast- food chains would react. Soon there would be an advertising war over which french fries had the lowest amount of trans fatty acids.
Be suspicious of doughnuts from doughnut shops, since they don't come with nutrition labels. Inquire about the oil the donuts were fried in. You can bet donuts will continue to be high in saturated fats and trans fats unless consumers complain.
If you use margarine instead of butter, choose one that boasts low levels of trans or hydrogenated fats. In general, whipped or tub margarines tend to be lower in saturated and trans fats than sticks. Some products contain a blend of butter and vegetable oil to provide the consistency of margarine but with no trans fats.
Even trendy restaurants that list the nutritional breakdown of popular entrees print only the amount of fat a food contains, not the type. Ask what oil is used and if it contains trans fats.
Burgers and fries from fast-food chains can't honestly be called complete "junk food," since they do contain some nutritious foods in addition to harmful ones. But remember: The goal of fast-food chains is to create a taste that makes you want more. Besides being more economical, hydrogenated oils give food a fatty taste that makes you want to eat more. The same craving cycle occurs with sugar. When you eat a high-junk-sugar food, your insulin levels rise, which causes your blood sugar to plummet from high to low. Even when the blood sugar is low, the insulin release may continue keeping blood insulin levels high, which increases your cravings for more sugar, and the cycle continues. As a result of the chemistry of cravings, people who eat more junk food crave more junk food; those who eat more nutritious foods crave more nutritious foods. The nutritionally rich get richer, and the nutritionally poor get poorer.

RATING FATS: FROM BEST (green light) TO WORST (red light)
Now that you understand why you need fats, here's how fats rank :
fats from plants and seafood (e.g. soy, nuts, and vegetable oils) are the healthiest
fats from animal sources fall somewhere in between - healthy in moderation, unhealthy in excess.
fats from food factories (i.e., hydrogenated oils) are the worst

Wednesday, August 22, 2007



Have you crossed 40 ?.
Have you started noticing that slowly but surely your weight seems to be moving in the upward direction ?.
The normal tendency would be to blame it on the hormonal changes happening during those tough days of life , when your monthly cycles are planning to take a pause , in between or finally , but surely your mind and soul are resisting for the same .
Alas, I have reached that stage where in I hear everybody saying that you put on weight when you are approaching Menopause .
Well the truth is that the weight gain that so many women feel is due to menopause actually has more to do with aging and activity level .
As women age , the amount of muscle mass decreases and hence the basal metabolic rate ( B.M.R.) . There are 2 possibilities of fat gain : -
1. Since the food intake of many women decreases as age advances , whatever food is been consumed , body tries to store maximum as reserve in the form of fat ;
2. Many women may continue to eat the same amount , but the lost muscle is often replaced by fat .

So now you are in dilemma ? Can you prevent this “ menopausal weight gain “ .

YES you can prevent this age related weight gain by eating a balanced diet & staying active .

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskar

Yoga Exercise

Surya Namaskar:
It is considered as the best exercise for human body. Surya Namaskar consists of important Yogasanas and Pranayama. The Pranayama and thus its advantages are skillfully incorporated in Surya Namaskar. The Mantras (Bija Mantras), which are chanted before practicing are also very useful.In all this Surya Namaskar is an appreciated exercise among people of all ages from kids to old age people.Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is one of the way to burn the calories and maintain weight , provided your diet is well balanced in calories and nutrients . It is often recommended for toning of the body after you lose excess fat .
In all in one Surya Namaskar includes 10 different positions, they are :

Position Description
Diagram / Position Graphic
Position 1:
Inhale and maintain the position as shown in figure in standing position with hands joined together near chest, feet together and toes touching each other.

Position 2:
Exhale and bend forward in the waist till palms touch the ground in line with the toes. Don't bend knees while performing. At first you may find it difficult to attain the ideal position but try to bend as much as possible without bending in knees.
- While exhaling bend forward in the waist - Palms touching the ground, fingers pointing forward, thumbs at 90 degree angle- Legs straight- Try to touch the forehead to the knees- Relax the neck
Don’ts- Do not bend the knees.- Do not keep the neck tense.
Position 3:
Inhale and take the left leg back with left toes on the floor, press the waist downwards and raise the neck, stretch the chest forward and push shoulders backwards. Keep the right leg and both the hands in the same position. Keep the right leg folded.
Dos- Take the left leg backwards and touch the knee to the floor, keeping the toes erect.- The knee of the right leg will be bent- The knee of the left leg should touch the ground- Drop the waist/ hips towards the floor- Gaze is upwards, both arms are straight
Don’ts- Do not bend the neck forward.- Do not bend the elbows.
Position 4:
Hold the breath and raise the knee of left leg. Take the right leg backwards and keep it close to the left leg. Straighten both the legs and both hands. Keep the neck straight and site fixed. Keep both the toes erect. Take care that the neck, spine, thighs and the feet are in a straight line.
Dos- Take the right leg back and place it beside the left leg, keeping the toes erect- Keep the body in one straight line – plank position- Keep the arms straight- Gaze forward
Don’ts- Do not bend the arms- Do not look towards the floor- Do not drop the hips/waist towards the floor- Do not stick the buttocks into the air- Do not bend the knees
Position 5:
Exhaling bend both the hands in elbows and touch forehead on the ground, touch the knees on the ground, keep both the elbows close to chest. The forehead, chest, both the palms, both the toes, knees should touch the ground and rest of the body not touching the floor. Since only eight parts rest on the ground , it is called ' Ashtanga' position.
Dos- Bring the body towards the floor placing the 8 parts on the floor: Toes, knees, chest, palms, and forehead- Keep the hands close to the body, next to the shoulders- Keep the elbows pointed to the sky and close in to the body
Don’ts- Do not touch the thighs, hips, waist or abdomen to the floor- Do not touch the chin to the floor- Do not let the elbows fall away from the body
Position 6:
Inhale and straighten the elbows, stretch the shoulders upwards, press the waist downwards but dont bend the arms. Keep the knees and toes on the floor. Push the neck backwards and site upwards.
Dos- Push the upper body upwards so that the arms are straight- Keep the fingers pointed forwards, palms on the ground, thumbs at 90 degree angle- Open the chest, pull the shoulders downwards- Drop the head and neck backwards and gaze upwards towards the sky - Keep the heels, legs and knees together- Keep the toes erect
Don’ts- Do not let the legs or heels be apart- Do not bend the elbows- Do not hunch the shoulders towards the ears
Position 7:
Hold the breath, bend the neck downwards and press the chin in the throat, push the body backwards and touch the heels on the ground, raise the waist upwards, do not move the palms on the floor.
Dos- Push the body upward so the buttocks and waist are raised into the air, leaving the body in an Inverted ‘V’ position- Take the head and chin towards the chest- Try to touch the heels to the floor
Don’ts- Do not bend the legs in the knees- Do not bend the arms
Position 8:
Hold the breath as in position 7, bring the right leg in the front and place it in between the hands like in position 3 but instead of left leg in the front here take right leg and place left leg in the back with left knee and toes on the ground.
Dos- Take the right leg forward and place it between the hands- The knee of the right leg will be bent- The knee of the left leg should touch the ground- Drop the waist/ hips towards the floor- Gaze is upwards, both arms are straight
Don’ts- Do not bend the neck forward.- Do not bend the elbows.
Position 9:
Exhale and bring the left leg forwards as in the position 2 and place it in between both the arms.
Do’s- Take the left leg forward and place it beside the right- Palms touching the ground, fingers pointing forward, thumbs at 90 degree angle- Legs straight- Try to touch the forehead to the knees- Relax the neck
Don’ts- Do not bend the knees.- Do not keep the neck tense.
Position 10:
Inhaling start getting up and attain the position as in position 1.


For actual photographic view of both the asanas 1. surya namasakar . 2. saral hasta bhujangasana just visit and send in the request WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS , its totally FREE .

Monday, August 13, 2007

asanas for abdominal muscle toning


The shape of the spinal column is similar to that of a cobra raising its head.
Pre position
Prone Position.
Bring both the hands close near chest and place palms on the ground. Touch the forehead on the ground.
Inhaling first raise the forehead and chin, bend neck as much as possible and start raising the shoulders at ease giving pressure to each Vertibra of the backbone. Raise the chest along with till the hands become straight. Take the neck back, start normal breathing.
Initially you will feel the weight to be on both the hands but with practice it you can shift this to the spinal cord. In the final position keep the hands straight, chest forward. Keep the spine in arch.
4. Releasing
Inhale and exhaling, with the support of the spinal column, start lowering the shoulders slowly with first abdomen touching the floor and then chest, forehead.
Place the chin on floor and hands back to the original position. Attain prone position.
Initially practice it for 5 to 10 second. After practicing it for few days you can increase the repetitions, once you are able to do 5 repetitions easily then reduce repetitions and increase the time up to 1 min.
6. Internal Effects
This asana is concerned with the spinal cord and the muscles of the stomach. Due to the stretching the efficiency of the digestive organs increases. To some extent back problems are reduced as the blood circulation is improved.
7. Precaution
People suffering from Back problems, TB in intestine, ulcer in stomach, hernia , and any cardiac problem should consult Orthopaediacian and or Physician before practicing this asana. Jerks and unbearable strains should be avoided.